
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"If Tomorrow Never Comes" - Garth Brooks

My week so far has been pretty uneventful. Go to work, go home. That's about it. But to be honest with you, I am glad it's been so boring. I eat better when I can plan my meals.

I bought some brown paper lunch sacks to carry my lunch in. On Monday, I asked Nate to write a note on my bag for me. Something to lift my spirits. He wrote "You are the brown bag special of my life". LOL Kind of cheesy but sweet. I asked if he would do it again for today's lunch but he was busy so I wrote my own inspiring words. On one side, I wrote "Smarter, Better, Faster, Stronger", on the other side, I wrote "If you bite, write it!" to encourage me to journal my food intake.  When I grabbed my lunch this morning, I saw that Nate had written on the sides of my bag "Do it for Bubby" which he means Nathan, of course, and the other side said "Daddy and Bubby are SOO proud of you!". It was such an awesome surprise! I might just keep my lunch bag lol. I'm glad he is thinking of me on this journey. If you don't know my husband, he weighs 135 soppin' wet.

We are going to be doing our Fitness Challenge here at the school this week. I am going to participate in that as a double motivator. I am notorious for dropping out though. When you gain, you have to pay $1 per pound gained. If I knew that I would gain, I would drop out of the competition instead so I wouldn't have to pay.  I told our school nurse that if I dropped out for any non-emergency reasons, she was allowed to forward my weight to the entire school. How's THAT for motivation??

The nurse said (through email) that I sounded motivated this time. I told her how at my Weight Watcher meeting, someone had said that with every year, we are getting older and fatter. Ain't that the truth? I am just getting older and subsequently, I AM getting fatter. It's time to put a stop to it. She gave me a quote that made her think of this:

When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no “I’ll start tomorrow.” Tomorrow is disease.
- V.L. Allineare

I am all about the quotes so I thought that aligned perfectly with my feelings. Have a great day! :)

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